TSMC University FinFET Program
/TSMC University FinFET Program

TSMC University FinFET Program

Universities in Europe and North America now have special-priced access to TSMC FinFET technologies. And can leverage them for their research, education and teaching.

Get access to TSMC FinFET technologies at special pricing through this newly developed program. Thanks to the more than thirty years of experience of imec.IC-link and its close collaboration with TSMC, universities can immediately kickstart new projects.

Program highlights

  • Offering the industry’s most successful FinFET technology family to universities
    • Starting with N16, N7 (including RF)
    • Tapeout and manufacturing services
  • Design collaterals for both teaching and research
    • N7 and N16 design collateral: for test chip MPW
    • N16ADFP (academic design foster package): for teaching purpose only

Find out more based on your region:

Europe North America

Note: universities from other parts of the world can contact us.