/EPIC Meeting on CMOS Compatible Integrated Photonics at imec

EPIC Meeting on CMOS Compatible Integrated Photonics at imec

September 07 - 08, 2022 | Leuven, Belgium


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Event details

The EPIC Meeting on CMOS compatible integrated photonics at imec will bring together CMOS/Silicon/Electronics/MEMs foundries and manufacturers and providers of new materials with photonic functionality (Graphene, III-V, plasmonic structures, BTO, etc.) to address the needs to start new collaborations. The incorporation of new materials with photonic functionality to CMOS processing has been traditionally challenging. However recently, there has been major interest in bringing the developments in photonics to mass production, and for that, working closer to semiconductor companies is a necessary step.

Some of the recent trends are for example, the mass production of coherent transceivers for FMCW LiDAR, efficient detectors based on Quantum dots for next generation imagers, Intel hybrid IIIV/Si laser integration, Graphene flagship, and GF 300mm platform. At this meeting we would like the necessary steps to start new collaborations towards pilot production of these hybrid new platforms. Challenges to be addressed, such as through silicon/glass vias, wafer bonding, wafer testing, packaging & assembly as well as new market driven applications that demand the functionality beyond the state of the art.

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